
This is a pokemon App that I created to fullfill Phincon Mini Project test.


Architecture Pattern


In this project I use VIPER as the arc pattern with a few exceptions :

  • I didn't use router since it will be overkill to be implemented on small app like this.
  • I also put some logic bussiness in presenter instead of in interactor to save davelopment time and make the app less encapsulated.

Design Pattern

  • Singleton A singleton NetworkManager can manage a single instance of URLSession. This is beneficial because:

    • Efficiency: Reusing the same URLSession instance can reduce overhead and improve performance, as it can take advantage of connection pooling and other optimizations.
    • Consistency: It ensures all network requests go through the same session configuration, which can be crucial for features like caching, cookies, and custom URL protocols.

Additional Framework

  • CoreData : I use this SQLite framework to store the captured pokemon into database.

How To Run

You can just open the MyPokemonList.xcodeproj with xcode(I'm using xcode 15.3) and hit run to open the app. You don't need any pod Install or waiting for SPM to load the library first in order to be able to start the app.

How to Navigate


You can use the TabBar on the bottom of the screen to navigate through Pokemon List and Pokedeck.

Pokemon List Page


This is the page where the pokemon list are being loaded from the API ( From here you can go to Detail Pokemon Page to catch them all.

Pokemon Detail Page


This is where you can see more detail info about the pokemon, also to catch them

My Pokemon List Page


This is where you can see all the pokemon you have catched previously. In this page you can give it a nickname or even release it.