DESCRIPTION: Compares PSS®E sav or raw files using python and output difference in excel or py files.This is the commandline version based on [Gridcompare] ( with the added fuctionality to include raw files as inputs.
Please see the pyV27 branch for the PSS®E 33 specific version which uses a much faster version of xlsxwriter and does not have memory issues for really large differential files
HISTORY: While trying to compare various PSS®E files I found that Gridcompare kept crashing and it was getting to be a pain in trying to debug the JSON and bottle calls in its browser based comparisons. I decided to create a commandline version of this excellent tool.
PSS®E 33.0 to PSS®E 33.8 had a bad "caspy.Savefile()" module which was leading to the crashes.
USAGE: the main file is Modify this to change the default inputs to or use the command line version
python -m runPSSEcompare -o {Originalfile} -c {File2compare} -x[WriteoutExcelFile]
MODIFICATION: Use to change some of the paths as well as some of the settings
NOTES: Uses subprocess (with caspy) in case caspy causes python to crash. If so it tries to use psspy modules to access the data within the input files. Use of caspy can be done with just PSSE installed and does not require a dongle to work which is advantageous if one has an hourly license. On really large files like the eastern interconnect (>60K buses) it takes a really large time and might crash due to size constraint on the sqlite databases.
USES: Public modules/library:
- openpyxl
- orderdict
Other: pssepath
TESTED: Tested on Windows with PSS®E 33/32/31 and their respective python versions (2.7,2.5)
email: sbhowmik at rocketmail dot com