#include <std/disclaimer.h>
Your Telegram account may get sliced to dishes.
I'm not responsible for any furry symptoms after usage.
This bot is intended for whatever you want it to.
And yeah, I don't care at all.
Use this bot at your own risk, don't be a total rart.
I will not be held accountable if Starlight spams your PM.
Lappbot is a modular Telegram userbot running on Python 3.8+ with an SQLAlchemy database.
Based on KensurBot, which is based on Paperplane and ProjectBish userbot. I made this fork to pick everything I need that is not available in original KensurBot.
- Setting up guides.
- Generate session string.
- Deploy on Heroku.
- Setup GDrive module.
- Setup Last.FM module.
Follow my channel for updates and join this group for support (I'm there).
Huge thanks to everyone who has helped make KensurBot awesome!