JobWay Frontend

Jobway is a way to find work and workers. Jobway is a platform for prospective employees to collect and display all their skills data in a portfolio. Recruiters will use this platform as a place to find workers who match the needs of their company.

axios bootstrap chart.js js-cookie next next-cookies react react-bootstrap react-chartjs-2 react-dom react-dropzone react-icons react-modal react-paginate react-redux react-router-dom redux redux-logger redux-persist redux-promise-middleware



  1. Node.js
  2. node_modules : npm install or yarn install
  3. Backend API >> Repository:Jobway-Backend


  1. Clone this repository

    $ git clone
  2. Open Project Folder

    $ cd jobway-frontend
  3. Instal Depedencies

    $ npm install
  4. Add env in next.config.js

  5. Run the Project

    $ npm run dev

What To Do ?

  1. Register using your real information
  2. Open your registered email address
  3. Open email and follow the instruction to verify your Jobway account
  4. Login and use all of the feature in jobway


Feature Desc

As a Recruiter, Jobway provides the following features:

  • Feature Search employee by certain skills,
  • Feature sort employee based on talent,
  • Feature filter talent based on full-time, part-time, onsite, or freelance work,
  • Feature sending email messages directly to prospective employee.

As a Employee, Jobway provides the following features:

  • Employee can be promoted directly by displaying portfolio,
  • Feature edit portfolio and work experience to add updated information,
  • Employee also can display their work experience as consideration to recruiter,
  • Feature notification when a company is interested to hiring the employee.



Enjoy your journey with Jobway >> Link deploy : JOBWAY


All Members of Default Team

Full-Stack Developer & Team Leader Full-Stack Developer Full-Stack Developer Full-Stack Developer Back-End Developer Front-End Developer Front-End Developer
github Maul github Irvan Munawir github Arin Iffana github Erika Sempana github Tri Haryo Ibrahim github Rifang Pri Asmara github Luthfi Thufail Asiddiqi