
This project is an archive of my code for the course Computer Vision and Image Understanding.

This project implements the following functions:

  1. BrightnessHistogram
  2. BlackWhiteImage
  3. neighborPix
  4. neighborPix3D
  5. EdgeDetection
  6. EdgeDetectionSobel
  7. templateMatching
  8. smoothing
  9. bilateralFiltering
  10. others


gcc  -g -Wall   -c -o ImageFileIO.o ImageFileIO.c
gcc  -g -Wall   -c -o ImageFilter.o ImageFilter.c
gcc  -g -Wall   -c -o ImageTools.o ImageTools.c
gcc  -g -Wall   -c -o BitmapFont.o BitmapFont.c
gcc  -g -Wall   -c -o main.o main.c
gcc  -o imgfilter ImageFileIO.o ImageFilter.o ImageTools.o BitmapFont.o main.o -lm



Ouyang (