
PowerShell SDK for the Microsoft Graph API

Primary LanguagePowerShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build Status


Full documentation is not yet implemented, please visit the AutographPS WALKTHROUGH for the best detail currently available.


AutoGraphPS-SDK automates the Microsoft Graph API through PowerShell. AutoGraphPS-SDK enables the development of PowerShell-based applications and automation of the Microsoft Graph REST API gateway; the PowerShell Graph exploration UX AutoGraphPS is one such application based on the SDK. The Graph exposes a growing list of services such as

  • Azure Active Directory (AAD)
  • OneDrive
  • Exchange / Outlook
  • SharePoint
  • And many more!

The project is in the earliest stages of development and almost but not quite yet ready for collaborators.

System requirements

On the Windows operating system, PowerShell 5.1 and higher are supported. On Linux, PowerShell 6.1.2 and higher are at a pre-release support level. MacOS has not been tested, but may work with PowerShell 6.1.2 and higher.


AutoGraphPS-SDK is available through the PowerShell Gallery; run the following command to install the latest stable release of AutoGraphPSGraph-SDK into your user profile:

Install-Module AutoGraphPS-SDK -scope currentuser

Using AutoGraphPS-SDK

Once you've installed, you can use an AutoGraphPS-SDK cmdlet like Get-GraphItem below to test out your installation. You'll need to authenticate using a Microsoft Account or an Azure Active Directory (AAD) account:

PS> get-graphitem me

After you've responded to the authentication prompt, you should see output that represents your user object similar to the following:

id                : 82f53da9-b996-4227-b268-c20564ceedf7
officeLocation    : 7/3191
@odata.context    : https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#users/$entity
surname           : Okorafor
mail              : starchild@mothership.io
jobTitle          : Professor
givenName         : Starchild
userPrincipalName : starchild@mothership.io
businessPhones    : +1 (313) 360 3141
displayName       : Starchild Okorafor

Now you're ready to use any of AutoGraphPS-SDK's cmdlets to access and explore Microsoft Graph! Visit the WALKTHROUGH for detailed usage of the cmdlets.

How do I use the cmdlets from the CLI?

If you're familiar with the Microsoft Graph REST API or you've used Graph Explorer, you know that Graph is accessed via URI's that look like the following:


With the AutoGraphPS-SDK cmdlets, you can invoke REST methods from PowerShell and omit the common https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0 of the URI as follows:

Get-GraphItem me/calendars
Get-GraphItem me/people
Get-GraphItem users

These commands retrieve the same data as a GET for the full URIs given earlier. Of course, Get-GraphItem supports a -AbsoluteUri option to allow you to specify that full Uri if you so desire.

As with any PowerShell cmdlet, you can use AutoGraphPS-SDK cmdlets interactively or from within simple or even highly complex PowerShell scripts and modules since the cmdlets emit and operate upon PowerShell objects.

For more detailed information on how to use AutoGraphPS-SDK cmdlets, see the WALKTHROUGH for the separate AutoGraphPS module, which documents a superset of cmdlets contained in this SDK in additions to those found in that module.

How do I use it in my PowerShell application?

If your application is packaged as a PowerShell module, simply include it in the NestedModules section of your module's PowerShell module manifest. This will allow you to publish your module to a repository like PSGallery and ensure that users who install your module from the gallery also get the installation of AutoGraphPS-SDK needed for your module to function. You should add the line import-module autographps-sdk to the beginning of the script you use to initialize your module.

If you're using a script module (.psm1 file) or simply a plain PowerShell ps1 script, you should ensure the module has been already been installed on the system using Install-Module or a similar deployment mechanism, then add a line import-module autographps-sdk to the beginning of your script or script module.

Command inventory

The full list of cmdlets in this module is given below; note that Invoke-GraphRequest may be used not just for reading from the Graph, but also for write operations. Use Connect-Graph to request additional permissions as described in the Graph permissions documentation. Additional cmdlets will be added to this module as development matures.

Cmdlet (alias) Description
Clear-GraphLog Clear the log of REST requests to Graph made by the module's commands
Connect-Graph Establishes authentication and authorization context used across cmdlets for the current graph
Disconnect-Graph Clears authentication and authorization context used across cmdlets for the current graph
Find-GraphLocalCertificate Gets a list of local certificates created by AutoGraphPS-SDK to for app-only or confidential delegated auth to Graph
Format-GraphLog Emits the Graph request log to the console in a manner optimized for understanding Graph and troubleshooting requests
Get-GraphApplication Gets a list of Azure AD applications in the tenant
Get-GraphApplicationCertificate Gets the certificates with public keys configured on the application
Get-GraphApplicationConsent Gets the list of the tenant's consent grants (entries granting an app access to capabilities of users)
Get-GraphApplicationServicePrincipal Gets the service principal for the application in the tenant
Get-GraphConnectionInfo Gets information about a connection to a Graph endpoint, including identity and Online or Offline
Get-GraphError (gge) Retrieves detailed errors returned from Graph in execution of the last command
Get-GraphItem (ggi) Given a relative (to the Graph or current location) Uri gets information about the entity
Get-GraphLog Gets the local log of all requests to Graph made by this module
Get-GraphLogOption Gets the configuration options for logging of requests to Graph including options that control the detail level of the data logged
Get-GraphToken Gets an access token for the Graph -- helpful in using other tools such as Graph Explorer
Invoke-GraphRequest Executes a REST method (e.g. GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, etc.) for a Graph Uri
New-GraphApplication Creates an Azure AD application configured to authenticate to Microsoft Graph
New-GraphApplicationCertificate Creates a new certificate in the local certificate store and configures its public key on an application
New-GraphConnection Creates an authenticated connection using advanced identity customizations for accessing a Graph
New-GraphLocalCertificate Creates a certificate in the local certificate store for use in authenticating as an application
Register-GraphApplication Creates a registration in the tenant for an existing Azure AD application
Remove-GraphApplication Deletes an Azure AD application
Remove-GraphApplicationCertificate Removes a public key from the application for a certificate allowed to authenticate as that application
Remove-GraphApplicationConsent Removes consent grants for an Azure AD application
Remove-GraphItem Makes generic DELETE requests to a specified Graph URI to delete items
Set-GraphApplicationConsent Sets a consent grant for an Azure AD application
Set-GraphConnectionStatus Configures Offline mode for use with local commands like GetGraphUri or re-enables Online mode for accessing the Graph service
Set-GraphLogOption Sets the configuration options for logging of requests to Graph including options that control the detail level of the data logged
Test-Graph Retrieves unauthenticated diagnostic information from instances of your Graph endpoint
Unregister-GraphApplication Removes consent and service principal entries for the application from the tenant

Limited support for Azure Active Directory (AAD) Graph

Some AutoGraphPS-SDK cmdlets also work with Azure Active Directory Graph, simply by specifying the -aadgraph switch as in the following:

Get-GraphItem me -aadgraph

Most functionality of AAD Graph is currently available in MS Graph itself, and in the future all of it will be accessible from MS Graph. In the most common cases where a capability is accessible via either graph, use MS Graph to ensure long-term support for your scripts and code and your ability to use the full feature set of AutoGraphPS-SDK.

More about how it works

If you'd like a behind the scenes look at the implementation of AutoGraphPS-SDK, take a look at the following article:

Developer installation from source

For developers contributing to AutoGraphPS-SDK or those who wish to test out pre-release features that have not yet been published to PowerShell Gallery, run the following PowerShell commands to clone the repository and then build and install the module on your local system:

git clone https://github.com/adamedx/autographps-sdk
cd autographps-sdk

Contributing and development

Read about our contribution process in CONTRIBUTING.md. The project is not quite ready to handle source contributions; suggestions on features or other advice are welcome while we establish a baseline.

See the Build README for instructions on building and testing changes to AutoGraphPS-SDK.


The Quickstart is a way to try out AutoGraphPS-SDK without installing the AutoGraphPS-SDK module. In the future it will feature an interactive tutorial. Additionally, it is useful for developers to quickly test out changes without modifying the state of the operating system or user profile. Just follow these steps on your workstation to start AutoGraphPS-SDK:

  • Download and extract the zip file for this repository OR clone it with the following command:

    git clone https://github.com/adamedx/autographps-sdk

  • Within a PowerShell terminal, cd to the extracted or cloned directory

  • Execute the command for QuickStart:


This will download dependencies, build the AutoGraphPS-SDK module, and launch a new PowerShell console with the module imported. You can execute a AutoGraphPS-SDK cmdlet like the following in the console -- try it:


This should return something like the following:

ADSiteName : wst
Build      : 1.0.9736.8
DataCenter : west us
Host       : agsfe_in_29
PingUri    : https://graph.microsoft.com/ping
Ring       : 4
ScaleUnit  : 000
Slice      : slicea
TimeLocal  : 2/6/2018 6:05:09 AM
TimeUtc    : 2/6/2018 6:05:09 AM

If you need to launch another console with AutoGraphPS, you can run the faster command below which skips the build step since QuickStart already did that for you (though it's ok to run QuickStart again):


These commmands can also be used when testing modifications you make to AutoGraphPS-SDK, and also give you an isolated environment in which to test and develop applications and tools that depend on AutoGraphPS-SDK.

License and authors

Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2018 Adam Edwards

License:: Apache License, Version 2.0

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.