See the Official Installation Guide.
$ composer require irvis/qbitreport dev-master
Follow "Step1 Creating the layout for the report" section in the official doucmentation.
// date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Tokyo');
$report = new Thinreports\Report('hello_world.tlf');
// 1st page
$page = $report->addPage();
// 2nd page
$page = $report->addPage();
$page('thinreports')->setValue('Thinreports PHP');
// 3rd page
$page = $report->addPage();
->setStyle('color', '#ff0000');
// 4th page
$page = $report->addPage();
$page->setItemValue('thinreports', 'PDF');
'world' => 'PHP'
// 5th page
$page = $report->addPage();
// 6th page: Using other .tlf file
$page = $report->addPage('hello_php.tlf')
// 7th page: Insert a blank page
// You can get content of the PDF in the following code:
$pdf_data = $report->generate();
Thinreports PHP is licensed under the MIT-License. See LICENSE for further details.
LGPLv3 / Copyright (c) Nicola Asuni LTD