Object Detection and OCR Projects


This project implement object detection with YOLOv4 and tensorflow. YOLOv4 use deep convolutional neural network to object object detection. I take the initiave use this library to perform detection, the OCR on lisence plate, cropping the detection and vehicle detection.

Here the Result of the project after perform the ocr and vehicle detection using th is library.

Lisence Plate Detection

the cropping of the project

Final output of this project


Vehicle Detection

Getting Started

To get started, yyou are required to install the dependencies via pip. In this project we are using Google Colab as a platform to complete this projects.


  • Tensorflow 2.3.0rc0
  • pytesseract
  • opencv

Download pre-trained YOLOv4 weights.

My object detection uses YOLOv4 to perform the detection. I am using the existing pre-trained model (YOLOv4) that able to detect the car plate and vehicle. Attachment below is the link to download the model for car plate detection and vehicle detection.

License Plate Detection : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EUPtbtdF0bjRtNjGv436vDY28EN5DXDH/view?usp=sharing

Car Detection : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1cewMfusmPjYWbrnuJRuKhPMwRe_b9PaT


  • Detect vehicle only
  • Detect the license plate
  • Crop the Detection
  • Vehicle Counting based on its categories


My project is inspired by these previous fantastic YOLOv4 implementations: