Simple wrapper for interaction with Monolog's Registry system allowing legacy systems to benefit from modern logging.
For more complex Monolog setups with multiple channels and handlers a better solutions would be Monolog Cascade.
Can be installed using composer by running the following:
$ composer require cruxoft/logbook
A simple but common usage of Logbook would be as follows:
use Cruxoft\Logbook;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
use Monolog\Logger;
// Generate one or more handlers
$handler = new StreamHandler("./sample.log", Logger::ERROR);
// Add a log channel with specified handlers, optional processors can also be added
Logbook::add("my_log_channel", array($handler));
// Raising a log, standard monolog methods can be used eg. error() err(), addError()
Logbook::get("my_log_channel")->error("This is just an example");