
BTC + BitHub = An experiment in funding privacy OSS.

Primary LanguageJava


Build Status

BitHub is a service that will automatically pay a percentage of Bitcoin funds for every submission to a GitHub repository.

More information can be found in our announcement blog post.

Opting Out

If you'd like to opt out of receiving a payment, simply include the string "FREEBIE" somewhere in your commit message, and you will not receive BTC for that commit.


$ git clone https://github.com/WhisperSystems/BitHub.git
$ cd BitHub
$ mvn3 package


  1. Create a GitHub account for your BitHub server.
  2. Create a Coinbase account for your BitHub server.
  3. Add the above credentials to config/sample.yml
  4. Execute $ java -jar target/BitHub-0.1.jar server config/yourconfig.yml

Deploying To Heroku

$ heroku create your_app_name
$ heroku config:set GITHUB_USER=your_bithub_username
$ heroku config:set GITHUB_TOKEN=your_bithub_authtoken
$ heroku config:set GITHUB_WEBHOOK_PASSWORD=your_webhook_password
$ heroku config:set GITHUB_REPOSITORIES="[{\"url\" : \"https://github.com/youraccount/yourrepo\"}, {\"url\" : \"https://github.com/youraccount/yourotherrepo\"}]"
$ heroku config:set COINBASE_API_KEY=your_api_key
$ heroku config:set ORGANIZATION_NAME=your_organization_name
$ heroku config:set DONATION_URL=your_donation_url
$ git remote add your_heroku_remote
$ git push heroku master

Mailing list

Have a question? Ask on our mailing list!



Current BitHub Payment For Commit:

Current Price