
Lunch Management Application

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

lunchapp - Lunch Management Application


The task is:

Build a voting system for deciding where to have lunch.

  • 2 types of users: admin and regular users
  • Admin can input a restaurant and it's lunch menu of the day (2-5 items usually, just a dish name and price)
  • Menu changes each day (admins do the updates)
  • Users can vote on which restaurant they want to have lunch at
  • Only one vote counted per user
  • If user votes again the same day:
    • If it is before 11:00 we asume that he changed his mind.
    • If it is after 11:00 then it is too late, vote can't be changed

Each restaurant provides new menu each day.


The software is done with following technologies:

  • Spring Boot
  • Hibernate
  • Database: embedded H2 with included data (see import.sql), so no need to configure any 3rd-party database server
  • Testing: JUnit + Mockito

How to build: mvn clean package

How to run: java -jar target/lunchapp-1.0.jar

Test coverage (jacoco report): overall 67% instructions covered, 71% branches covered. For most critical service package we have far better results: 91% instructions covered, 82% branches covered.

How to manage database:

  • go to http://localhost:8080/h2console
  • saved settings should be: Generic H2 (Embedded)
  • driver class: org.h2.Driver
  • jdbc url should be: jdbc:h2:mem:~/lunch
  • username: sa
  • password: (no password)


Authentication and authorization

Two HTTP headers are used:

  • X-LunchApp-Username - contains user name, e.g. admin, johnr, etc.
  • X-LunchApp-AuthKey - contains auth key which is md5 taken from string username+:::+password. E.g. username is user1 and its password is abcde123, so to calculate auth key you need to take md5 from string user1:::abcde123.

Look at AuthUtils.java - it contains all necessary auth code.

Restaurant Management Endpoints

  • GET /restaurant/list - list all restaurants Example request: curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/restaurant/list
  • PUT /restaurant - create new restaurant with given name Required Headers: X-LunchApp-Username, X-LunchApp-AuthKey. Required params: name. Example request (given that username is admin2 and its password is apassword2): curl -X PUT --data "name=zzz" -H "X-LunchApp-Username: admin2" -H "X-LunchApp-AuthKey:4116e66266f900aa71d44dad86ff58d6" http://localhost:8080/restaurant
  • POST /restaurant/3 - edit existing restaurant (ID=3). Required Headers: X-LunchApp-Username, X-LunchApp-AuthKey. Required params: name. Example request (given that username is admin1 and its password is apassword1): curl -X POST --data "name=newname" -H "X-LunchApp-Username: admin1" -H "X-LunchApp-AuthKey: 6ece548c3b9c6503d4be776fcf2a2c5" http://localhost:8080/restaurant/3
  • DELETE /restaurant/3 - delete existing restaurant (ID=3). Required Headers: X-LunchApp-Username, X-LunchApp-AuthKey. Example request (given that username is admin1 and its password is apassword1): curl -X DELETE -H "X-LunchApp-Username: admin1" -H "X-LunchApp-AuthKey:6ece548c3b9c6503d4be776fcf2a2c5" http://localhost:8080/restaurant/1

Menu items management

  • GET /menu/1 - get menu items for restaurant 1 Example request: curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/menu/1
  • PUT /menu/3 - create new menu item for restaurant ID=3 Required Headers: X-LunchApp-Username, X-LunchApp-AuthKey. Required params: name, price. Example request (given that username is admin1 and its password is apassword1): curl -X PUT --data "name=menuitem1&price=111.11" -H "X-LunchApp-Username: admin1" -H "X-LunchApp-AuthKey:6ece548c3b9c6503d4be776fcf2a2c5" http://localhost:8080/menu/3
  • POST /menu/17 - edit existing menu item ID=17 Required Headers: X-LunchApp-Username, X-LunchApp-AuthKey. Optional params: name, price. Example request (given that username is admin1 and its password is apassword1): curl -X POST --data "name=zzzz" -H "X-LunchApp-Username: admin1" -H "X-LunchApp-AuthKey:6ece548c3b9c6503d4be776fcf2a2c5" http://localhost:8080/menu/16 curl -X POST --data "price=999" -H "X-LunchApp-Username: admin1" -H "X-LunchApp-AuthKey:6ece548c3b9c6503d4be776fcf2a2c5" http://localhost:8080/menu/17
  • DELETE /menu/16 - delete existing menu item ID=16 Required Headers: X-LunchApp-Username, X-LunchApp-AuthKey. Example request (given that username is admin1 and its password is apassword1): curl -X DELETE -H "X-LunchApp-Username: admin1" -H "X-LunchApp-AuthKey:6ece548c3b9c6503d4be776fcf2a2c5" http://localhost:8080/menu/16

Vote management

  • POST /vote/1 - vote for restaurant ID=1 Required Headers: X-LunchApp-Username, X-LunchApp-AuthKey. Example request (given that username is user1 and its password is password): curl -X POST -H "X-LunchApp-Username: user1" -H "X-LunchApp-AuthKey:4d0280f5199720f29a02787fd16285d8" http://localhost:8080/vote/1
  • GET /vote/1 - get today votes for restaurant ID=1 Example request: curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/vote/1
  • GET /vote - get today votes for all restaurants Example request: curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/vote
  • GET /vote/result - get results of today voting Example request: curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/vote/result