A Laravel 5 wrapper for CrawlerDetect - the web crawler detection library
Run composer require jaybizzle/laravel-crawler-detect 1.*
or add "jaybizzle/laravel-crawler-detect": "1.*"
to your composer.json
Add the following to the providers
array in your config/app.php
...and the following to your aliases
'Crawler' => 'Jaybizzle\LaravelCrawlerDetect\Facades\LaravelCrawlerDetect',
// Check current 'visitors' user agent
if(Crawler::isCrawler()) {
// true if crawler user agent detected
// Pass a user agent as a string
if(Crawler::isCrawler('Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; aiHitBot/2.9; +https://www.aihitdata.com/about)')) {
// true if crawler user agent detected