# Version 0.2.0 # Copyright Michael Foord 2005-2009 # akismet.py # Python interface to the akismet API # E-mail fuzzyman@voidspace.org.uk # http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/modules.shtml#akismet # http://akismet.com # Released subject to the BSD License # See http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/license.shtml A python interface to the `Akismet <http://akismet.com>`_ API. This is a web service for blocking SPAM comments to blogs - or other online services. You will need a Wordpress API key, from `wordpress.com <http://wordpress.com>`_. You should pass in the keyword argument 'agent' to the name of your program, when you create an Akismet instance. This sets the ``user-agent`` to a useful value. The default is : :: Python Interface by Fuzzyman | akismet.py/0.2.0 Whatever you pass in, will replace the *Python Interface by Fuzzyman* part. **0.2.0** will change with the version of this interface. Usage example:: from akismet import Akismet api = Akismet(agent='Test Script') # if apikey.txt is in place, # the key will automatically be set # or you can call api.setAPIKey() # if api.key is None: print "No 'apikey.txt' file." elif not api.verify_key(): print "The API key is invalid." else: # data should be a dictionary of values # They can all be filled in with defaults # from a CGI environment if api.comment_check(comment, data): print 'This comment is spam.' else: print 'This comment is ham.'