
command line e wallet, using python and SQLalchemy

Primary LanguagePython

E-Wallet Command Line Interface

This is a command line project done using python ,sqlAlchemy, and sqlite. the project is a example of ussd transaction and invonles creating a user , deposit , withdrawing and transfering funds into a wallet, you can also check the balance of your user

To run this project localy

git clone https://github.com/isaac-kiplangat/cli-e-wallet.git 

after makes sure you have python installed , create your own environment by using

pipenv install


pipenv shell

Project Overview

  • lib: Contains the main project files.

  • main.py: Entry point for the E-Wallet CLI. Other project files.


  • Create a new user account.
  • Deposit funds into the wallet.
  • Withdraw funds from the wallet.
  • Transfer funds to another user.
  • Check the wallet balance.

Happy coding, Feel free to give feedback