This living styleguide is built using PatternLab.
- Install PHP
- Install NodeJS version 6.9.4 (
- Install GulpJS, via command line
npm install -g gulp-cli
- Clone Repo
- Move into the styleguide directory
cd mayflower/styleguide
- Generate pattern lab default files
php core/console --generate
- Install npm dependencies
npm install
- run
- launch browser at http://localhost:3000/ or port shown in gulp output
- Browser will automatically refresh as you make changes
- run 'gulp build'
- run 'gulp prod'
- All work is done in the source folder.
- Mark-up is in the source/_patterns directory.
- Front end assets can be found in the source/assets directory
- Gulp will handle the conversion of files from source to public
- Pattern Lab specific files are in the /public/styleguide directory (the styleguide.html file is automatically generated when twig templates are updated)
Tagged releases are automatically (via CircleCI) deployed to the Mayflower Artifacts repo for consumption by the Palantir team. Tags should follow semantic versioning conventions.