This repository provides implementations which extends the Prithvi MAE remote sensing foundation model from the paper "Foundation Models for Generalist Geospatial Artificial Intelligence", Jakubik et al. for use as a ViT classifier and a U-Net segmentation model to train with the TorchGeo library.
The ViT implementation performs a forward pass to get output features and then appends a linear classifier head to the CLS output token similar to the timm
library implementation.
import torch
from prithvi_pytorch import PrithviViT
model = PrithviViT(
ckpt_path=ckpt_path, # path to pretrained checkpoint
cfg_path=cfg_path, # path to pretrained config Prithvi_100M_config.yaml
num_classes=10, # num classifier classes
in_chans=6, # right now only supports the pretrained 6 channels
img_size=224, # supports other image sizes than 224
freeze_encoder=True # freeze the pretrained prithvi if you just want to linear probe
x = torch.rand(2, 6, 224, 224) # (b, c, h, w)
y_pred = model(x) # (2, 10) (b, num_classes)
Following the MMSegmentation implementation by the authors, we adapt the ConvTransformerTokensToEmbeddingNeck
decoder to work outside of MMSegmentation. This creates a simple Encoder Decoder network which takes the output embeddings of the Encoder and progressively upsamples them using Conv2dTranspose layers.
import torch
from prithvi_pytorch import PrithviUnet
model = PrithviEncoderDecoder(
ckpt_path=ckpt_path, # path to pretrained checkpoint
cfg_path=cfg_path, # path to pretrained config Prithvi_100M_config.yaml
num_classes=10, # num classifier classes
in_chans=6, # right now only supports the pretrained 6 channels
img_size=224, # supports other image sizes than 224
freeze_encoder=True # freeze the pretrained prithvi
x = torch.rand(2, 6, 224, 224) # (b, c, h, w)
y_pred = model(x) # (2, 10, 224, 224) (b, num_classes, h, w)
The U-Net implementation grabs n
intermediate transformer block features and then upsamples them to be passed to U-Net decoder blocks using the segmentation_models_pytorch
library. This is similar to the implementation in the "Benchmarking Detection Transfer Learning with Vision Transformers" paper.
import torch
from prithvi_pytorch import PrithviUnet
model = PrithviUnet(
ckpt_path=ckpt_path, # path to pretrained checkpoint
cfg_path=cfg_path, # path to pretrained config Prithvi_100M_config.yaml
num_classes=10, # num classifier classes
in_chans=6, # right now only supports the pretrained 6 channels
img_size=224, # supports other image sizes than 224
n=[2, 5, 8, 11], # indices for intermediate transformer blocks to pass to decoder
norm=True, # normalize intermediate features using LayerNorm
decoder_channels=[256, 128, 64, 32], # decoder block num feature maps
freeze_encoder=True # freeze the pretrained prithvi
x = torch.rand(2, 6, 224, 224) # (b, c, h, w)
y_pred = model(x) # (2, 10, 224, 224) (b, num_classes, h, w)
Download the HLS Burn Scars dataset
wget -O hls_burn_scars.tar.gz
tar -xvf hls_burn_scars.tar.gz
Download the EuroSat MSI version of the dataset:
wget -O
wget -O eurosat-train.txt
wget -O eurosat-val.txt
wget -O eurosat-test.txt
Download the Prithvi model checkpoint and config
wget -O
wget -O Prithvi_100M_config.yaml
provides an example of how to train PrithviViT classifier on EuroSAT usingtorchgeo
provides an example of how to train PrithviUnet segmentation on HLS Burn Scars usingtorchgeo
pytest -ra tests