a Javascript starter template for creating object actions using the Stamplay SDK
NOTE: Users must be logged in to use the rate/vote/comment function!
CLONING: When cloning this repo, you must initialize your app first to make it work.
- Initialize the front-end of your app with Stamplay
- Go to your command line and enter **stamplay init** - When prompted, enter your **appID** & **API Key**
- Initialize the SDK library in your app
- In your index.html file, enter the SDK cdn script (or install with bower if you prefer) ``` <script src="//drrjhlchpvi7e.cloudfront.net/libs/stamplay-js-sdk/1.3.1/stamplay.min.js"></script>
$ bower install stamplay-js-sdk
- In your Javascript file, enter the initialization script at the top of the file
3) **Establish object to be commented on**
- Go to your Stamplay editor and go to the **Data** section. Then go to **Objects**
- Establish which object in the collection your going to comment on by getting it's **object Id**.
4) **comment( )**
function createObjectComment(){ var newComment = document.getElementById('comment').value; var objectInstance = new Stamplay.Cobject('objectModel').Model; objectInstance.fetch('id').then(function(){ return objectInstance.comment(newComment).then(function(){ alert('Comment created!'); }); }); }
5) **Establish object to be rated**
- Go to your Stamplay editor and go to the **Data** section. Then go to **Objects**
- Establish which object in the collection your going to rate by getting it's **object Id**.
6) **rate( )**
function rateFive(){ var objectInstance = new Stamplay.Cobject('objectModel').Model; objectInstance.fetch('id').then(function(){ return objectInstance.rate(5).then(function(){ alert('rated 5!'); }); }); }
7) **Establish object to be voted on**
- Go to your Stamplay editor and go to the **Data** section. Then go to **Objects**
- Establish which object in the collection your going to upvote/downvote by getting it's **object Id**.
8) **upvote( )**
function upvote(){ var objectInstance = new Stamplay.Cobject('objectModel').Model; objectInstance.fetch('id').then(function(){ return objectInstance.upVote(1).then(function(){ alert('Upvoted by 1!'); }); }); }
9) **downvote( )**
function downvote(){ var objectInstance = new Stamplay.Cobject('objectModel').Model; objectInstance.fetch('id').then(function(){ return objectInstance.downVote(1).then(function(){ alert('Downvoted by 1!'); }); }); }
6) **Run app**
- To run your app, you'll need to install the Stamplay Command Line Tool. If you have already installed it, ignore this step. Otherwise, enter this command in your command line:
$ npm install -g stamplay-cli
- If your app is in development, you can run it on your local server by entering **stamplay start** in your command line.
- If your app is in production, you can deploy it live by entering **stamplay deploy** in your command line.
![alt tag](public/images/object-actions-micro-repo.png)