
Installation and Configuring of OpenVPN

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Ansible Role - openvpn

Installation and Configuring of OpenVPN

Available on Ansible Galaxy: isaackehle.openvpn


The template for the OpenVPN configuration uses the global inventory list. Each inventory file must include the following in order for the host to be included:

  subnet: aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
  netmask: lll.mmm.nnn.ooo
  destination: "client" # or 'server'

Note: I found that even though the ansible documentation says that groups.all and groups.ungrouped will give you all of the servers, unless I added my connected systems to a group, the servers were not listed in either group.

Host Definitions typically contain the following:

# Inventory Group that will be included in dns list Inventory entry must also have an ip_address variable
# Name of Ansible Inventory Group of servers that are configured as OpenVPN portals (default = 'portals')
vpn_server_group_name: "portals"

  country: US # Country
  locality: Miami # Locality
  state: FL # State
  organization: My Company # Organization
  ou: My Group # Organizational Unit
  email: admin@company.com # Email
  cn: CN # Common name, usually fqdn
  dc: DC # Domain Component, if any


I use a system of flags and tags that allow the calling playbook to specify which roles are run. As an example:

ansible-playbook playbooks/openvpn.yml --limit portals -e "{'flags': ['server_config']}" -t server_config
Flag Purpose
server_init Server Initialization
server_config Server Configuration
server_cert_gen Server Certificate Generation
server_cert_pull Server Certificate Pull
easy_ovpn_init Initialize the Easy OpenVPN directory
easy_ovpn_push_keys Push keys to the OpenVPN directory
easy_ovpn_pull_keys Pull keys from the OpenVPN directory
client_cert_gen Client Certificate Generation (specify only one portal machine)
client_cert_sync Client Certificate synchronization between servers
easy_ovpn_kill Kill the Easy OpenVPN directory
client_deploy Install the packages and the certificate on the client


- hosts: all
        target_servers: []
      - { name: isaackehle.openvpn }
ansible-playbook playbooks/openvpn.yml -e "{'flags': ['server_init']}" -t server_init
ansible-playbook playbooks/openvpn.yml -e "{'flags': ['server_config']}" -t server_config
ansible-playbook playbooks/openvpn.yml -e "{'flags': ['easy_ovpn_init']}" -t easy_ovpn_init
ansible-playbook playbooks/openvpn.yml -e "{'flags': ['easy_ovpn_push_keys']}" -t easy_ovpn_push_keys
ansible-playbook playbooks/openvpn.yml -e "{'flags': ['easy_ovpn_kill']}" -t easy_ovpn_kill
ansible-playbook playbooks/openvpn.yml -e "{'flags': ['server_cert_gen']}" -t server_cert_gen
ansible-playbook playbooks/openvpn.yml -e "{'flags': ['server_cert_pull']}" -t server_cert_pull
ansible-playbook playbooks/openvpn.yml -e "{'flags': ['client_cert_gen'], 'target_host': 'localhost', 'local_hostname': 'myhost.local' }" -t client_cert_gen
ansible-playbook playbooks/openvpn.yml -e "{'flags': ['client_cert_sync']}" -t client_cert_sync
ansible-playbook playbooks/openvpn.yml -e "{'flags': ['client_deploy']}" -t client_deploy


yamllint -c yamllint.yaml .
ansible-lint .



Author Information

Isaac Kehle @isaackehle (twitter, github, linkedin)