
Harmony Proxies in node

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

node-proxy is an implementation of Harmony Proxies http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:proxies
that allows the developer to create "catch-all" property handlers for an object or a function in node.js.

Author: Sam Shull
Repository: http://github.com/brickysam26/node-proxy
Issues: http://github.com/brickysam26/node-proxy/issues

*** This does not work appropriately in node versions 0.1.100 - 0.1.102. You will need to install node_version.h in $PREFIX/include/node


	Object create(ProxyHandler handler [, Object proto ] ) throws Error, TypeError

	Function createFunction(ProxyHandler handler, Function callTrap [, Function constructTrap ] ) throws Error, TypeError

	Boolean isTrapping(Object obj) throws Error

Additional Methods (for ECMAScript 5 compatibliity): @see http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/ECMA-262.pdf

	Boolean freeze(Object obj) throws Error, TypeError

	Boolean seal(Object obj) throws Error, TypeError

	Boolean preventExtensions(Object obj) throws Error, TypeError

	Boolean isFrozen(Object obj) throws Error, TypeError

	Boolean isSealed(Object obj) throws Error, TypeError

	Boolean isExtensible(Object obj) throws Error, TypeError

	PropertyDescriptor getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object obj, String name) throws Error, TypeError

	Boolean defineProperty(Object obj, String name, PropertyDescriptor pd) throws Error, TypeError

	Boolean defineProperties(Object obj, Object descriptors) throws Error, TypeError

More methods:

	Object hidden(Object obj, String name [, Object value ] ) throws Error
		- Set or retrieve a hidden property on an Object

	Object clone(Object obj) throws Error
		- Create a shallow copy of an Object
	Boolean isProxy(Object obj)
		- determine if an object was created by Proxy
	Boolean setPrototype(Object obj, Object obj) throws Error
		-set the prototype of a given object to the second given object