
Connect/Express plugin to dynamically generate an HTML5 application cache manifest for development servers

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Cache Manifest Middleware

This connect / express middleware component is intended to make development of HTML5 offline apps easier.

When using an offline cache.manifest, the browser will not request new versions of site resources unless the manifest file itself is updated. Dynamically generating the cache manifest file and marking it with a last modified timestamp can simplify the development process.

This can be accomplished efficiently by observing a set of files and directories for changes and serving manifest directly from memory. This monitoring updates in realtime as a part of the same node process as your server and can watch multiple folders recursively for modifications, creations, and deletions.


This is intended for use during development only as deployed applications will not require such frequent change monitoring. You may also want to use some manner of client-side JavaScript application cache event monitoring such as AppCache Nanny or https://jonathanstark.com/blog/debugging-html-5-offline-application-cache in order to monitor and manage update events. Finally, Cache-Control: no-cache headers should be sent along with all resources served so as to avoid conflicts between the HTML5 Offline Cache and regular HTTP caching mechanisms.


npm install cache-manifest-middleware


var express = require('express');
var manifest = require('cache-manifest-generator');

var app = express();
var generator = manifest(paths, config);
app.get('/cache.manifest', generator);


The first argument must be an array containing one or more paths to include in the main CACHE portion of the manifest. Each path must be an object with a file property that specifies either a relative or an absolute path to a file or directory. If it is a directory, then any files contained within it (and its subdirectories, recursively) will be included. However, each path may contain an ignore property that is a RegExp, and any files matching this pattern will be omitted from the results.

Additionally, cache-manifest-middleware must be able to translate each file path into a URL. This can happen in one of four ways:

  • It may contain a url property that holds a string which specifies the base URL for any file in this path
  • It may contain a rewrite property that is a function which takes one argument, the relative file path and returns the URL
  • It may contain a rewrite property that is a string and a match property that is a RegExp such that 'filepath'.replace(match, rewrite) specifies the URL
  • If the file property was a relative path and no other method is specified (url, rewrite), then it will assume the URLs should start at the same pattern

In each case, the file path has all separators normalized to / ahead of time regardless of platform and only includes the portion relative to the base file path.


The second argument is an optional config object that supports the following (optional) keys:

  • readyCallback: Callback function called once when the initial directory scan has completed. The callback gets one argument (generator) -- the same object as the manifest return value. The server will function before this event has been fired, but may not contain all manifest entries yet.
  • updateListener: Callback function called after every update to the manifest file. The callback gets one argument (manifest), an object with CACHE, FALLBACK, NETWORK, COMMENT, and TIMESTAMP properties.
  • fileListener: Callback function called after every filesystem change in an observed directory, whether or not the change triggers a modification to the manifest file. The callback gets two arguments (evt, evtPath). The first is 'update', 'create', or 'delete', and the second is the path to the file or directory.
  • catchupDelay: Number of milliseconds to wait after filesystem events during which things like the creation of editor temp files will be ignored (default: 500) (see watchr)
  • cache: An array of strings to explicitly include in the main CACHE: portion of the manifest file in addition to any files in observed directories. (default: [])
  • network: An array of strings to include in the NETWORK: portion of the manifest file. (default: ['*'])
  • fallback: An array of strings to include in the FALLBACK: portion of the manifest file. (default: [])
  • ignore: A RegExp which specifies files to not include in the cache portion of the manifest. This is used in conjunction with the per-path ignore option, and files matched by either will be omitted.


Connect/express plugin. A function with that takes two arguments (req, res) and serves the cache manifest in response to all requests. It will set the headers Cache-Control: no-cache and Content-Type: text/cache-manifest.


An example server using express and serving static content out of two different locations

var express = require('express');
var manifest = require('cache-manifest-generator');

var app = express();

app.set('view engine', 'jade');

//Set Cache-Control: no-cache on all files served during development
app.use(function(req, res, next) {
  res.set('Cache-Control', 'no-cache');

app.get('/cache.manifest', manifest([
  { file: 'transpiler_output', url: '/js', ignore: /.*test.js/ },
  { file: 'site', url: '/' },
  { file: 'views', match: /^(.*).jade/, rewrite: '/$1.html'}

app.get('/index.html', function(req, res) {

app.use('/js', express.static('transpiler_output'));


For this file and other usage examples, look in ./examples/ or ./test/test.js.


Run the Mocha-based tests with npm test.
