
Basic Todo App using Angular 7

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This is a simple Todo App using the Angular Framework

How to Run

  1. Open the directory in your terminal

  2. Start the server

type ng serve in the terminal

  1. View in web browser

open http://localhost:4200/

REMINDER: (The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files)

Abilities & Features

  • A user can create a new Todo item and it will show in the UI and be pseudo-sent to the JSON Placeholder API
  • A user can toggle a Todo item's completion status in the UI and (for non-user made Todos) in JSON Placeholder API
  • A user can delete a Todo item in UI and in JSON Placeholder API

Notable Technologies/Functions/Methods

Technology/Function Purpose
JSON Placeholder Source of Todo item data
Http Client Make GET Req (fetch Todos), DELETE Req (delete a Todo item), POST Req (create a Todo item) and PUT Req (toggle the completion status) & receive Todo data
  • Todo creation and update is sent to JSON Placeholer API (however, because it is not a backend that allows for editing, for user-made todos, toggle complete only works in the UI and not backend)

Future Implementation(s)

  • A user should have an account to save their Todo item's
  • Find a way for any/all todo(s) to be allowed to be marked as complete on backend (and not just in the UI)
  • The UI should look more welcoming and less tragic
  • Implement Testing