This is a simple Todo App using the Angular Framework
Open the directory in your terminal
Start the server
ng serve
in the terminal
- View in web browser
REMINDER: (The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files)
- A user can create a new Todo item and it will show in the UI and be pseudo-sent to the JSON Placeholder API
- A user can toggle a Todo item's completion status in the UI and (for non-user made Todos) in JSON Placeholder API
- A user can delete a Todo item in UI and in JSON Placeholder API
Technology/Function | Purpose |
JSON Placeholder | Source of Todo item data |
Http Client | Make GET Req (fetch Todos), DELETE Req (delete a Todo item), POST Req (create a Todo item) and PUT Req (toggle the completion status) & receive Todo data |
- Todo creation and update is sent to JSON Placeholer API (however, because it is not a backend that allows for editing, for user-made todos, toggle complete only works in the UI and not backend)
- A user should have an account to save their Todo item's
- Find a way for any/all todo(s) to be allowed to be marked as complete on backend (and not just in the UI)
- The UI should look more welcoming and less tragic
- Implement Testing