This app allows a user to type in a specific food and view recipes that include that food
To run on your machine, you must first obtain a free Food2Fork API Key. You can get the API key from: Please keep in mind, last I checked, the API only allows 50 calls PER DAY.
- Navigate to Terminal
open directory in your Terminal
- Start the server:
type "yarn start"
press "enter"
- View the app:
open localhost:3000 in your browser (might open automatically)
- Navigate to Terminal
open directory in your Terminal
- Run Tests
type "npm test"
press enter
- A user can search for any single food item and view the recipe
- A user can click a Home button that navigates them back to the previous page
Technology/Function | Purpose |
Food2Fork API | Source of Recipe Data |
Fetch API | GET Req (fetch initial recipes) |
Cors-Anywhere Heroku | Mimic a server in production for the API call(s) |
Boostrap | Styling components |
Env Variable | Safe usage of API Key |
Local Storage | Save original lookup data so a user can navigate back |
- Using React Router Dom to handle properly routing between the main list of recipes and the individual recipe information
- Making the initial API call, once a user inputs a specific food, then allowing the user to click on an item and open a custom URL with that specific foods id
- Heavy refactoring potential in this entire app
- Improve code clarity readability using more modern understandings of React (i.e. Hooks)
- When a user searches for a particualar item, sometimes the page can try to load before the data and an error can occur, look into the lifecycle method or Hook that would resolve this
- Make the More Info Component that displays more information for a specific recipe into a pop up modal
- Make it so that the initial GET Req is for Pizza recipes and a user can type in a query to change it
- Use warmer colors; make the look and UI feel more welcoming