This is a simple, calculator app using VueJS. This app supports simple mathematical operations
- Navigate to Terminal
open directory in your Terminal
- Start the server:
type "npm run serve" OR "yarn serve"
press "enter"
- View the app:
open localhost:8080 in your browser (might open automatically)
- A user can add, subtract, multiply, divide, take the percent of any positive and/or negative number
- Each number and the answer is displayed in the calculator UI
Technology/Function | Purpose |
methods in the script | Check for currentNum and previousNum, and handle all operations |
- Everything occurs in a single Calculator.vue component and it is rendered in App.vue
- All of the operations are done via methods (there are no imports to support or do anything)
- All numbers are originally strings and then parsed into floats in the "equal" method
- Make the numbers appear to the right, instead of the center
- When a user clicks on a number/operation/button, the view should respond accordingly
- Make the clear button completely erase the existence of the previous number and not save it
- Make the UI nicer, maybe a background image, or a sign that they are in a calculator app
- Make a viewable History of operations so a user can see all the operations they make
- make it in real time, so they can see changes (and don't have to remember what they typed)
- Implement Testing