Project developed during 2º Edition of Hack for Good hackathon. Refind is a job platform, where companies can post jobs specifically for refugees, with the objective to bypass prejudice from certain employers.
- Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, HTML/CSS
- Ruby version: 2.3.1
- Rails version: 5.0.4
- Sign up and sign in from Organizations and Job seekers
- Job seekers can apply to jobs
- Organizations can post jobs
- Job seekers are only visible to employers if they apply to their jobs.
Create default values:
rake db:migrate
Run server:
rails s
- Go to http://localhost:3000 to test the web application
- username:
- password: 123456
- username:
- password: 123456
Default values defined at seeds file
- Francisco Machado - @CodeFiasco
- Isabel Costa - @isabelcosta
- Samuel Gomes - @SamGomes
- Tiago Almeida - @tiagoalmeida92