
The multiple available containers in C++ all have a very different usage. To make sure you understand them all, let's re-implement them!

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Once we've done CPP_Piscine, we're ready to step into the world of OOP. Our next big step will be to implement some of the most used STL containers, so we are going to work directly with our beloved templates as we discover their great potential. So far, we only know what a vector is but ... how does it work? How is it implemented? How do you manage memory allocation? How does a stack encapsulate its elements so that only a few member functions can be used? How do iterators work? All these questions, and many more, will be discovered and understood with ft_containers.

Since most of the things that we implement with this project are part of the STL, this time I will give you the manual references that I have used to make this project. I think you will find them much more useful than the notes I usually make, since in this case they would be an identical copy of all the information found on those pages. The reference manuals used are:

However, what I have done is create some images that show the main characteristics of each container. I hope you find them useful!





