
Fastly perl client

Primary LanguagePerlOtherNOASSERTION


Net::Fastly - client library for interacting with the Fastly web acceleration service


use Net::Fastly;

# username/password authentication is deprecated and will not be available
# starting September 2020; use {api_key: 'your-key'} as the login option
my $fastly = Net::Fastly->new(%login_opts);

my $current_user     = $fastly->current_user;
my $current_customer = $fastly->current_customer;

my $user     = $fastly->get_user($current_user->id);
my $customer = $fastly->get_customer($current_customer->id);

print "Name: ".$user->name."\n";
print "Works for ".$user->customer->name."\n";
print "Which is the same as ".$customer->name."\n";
print "Which has the owner ".$customer->owner->name."\n";

# Let's see which services we have defined
foreach my $service ($fastly->list_services) {
    print $service->name." (".$service->id.")\n";
    foreach my $version ($service->versions) {
        print "\t".$version->number."\n";

my $service        = $fastly->create_service(name => "MyFirstService");
my $latest_version = $service->version;

# Create a domain and a backend for the service ...
my $domain         = $fastly->create_domain(service_id => $service->id, version => $latest_version->number, name => "www.example.com");
my $backend        = $fastly->create_backend(service_id => $service->id, version => $latest_version->number, ipv4 => "", port => 80);

# ... and activate it. You're now hosted on Fastly.

# Let's take a peek at the VCL that Fastly generated for us
my $vcl = $latest_version->generated_vcl;
print "Generated VCL file is:\n".$vcl->content."\n";

# Now let's create a new version ...
my $new_version    = $latest_version->clone;
# ... add a new backend ...
my $new_backend    = $fastly->create_backend(service_id => $service->id, version => $new_version->number, ipv4 => "", port => 8080);
# ... and upload some custome vcl (presuming we have permissions)
$new_version->upload_vcl($vcl_name, slurp($vcl_file));    


# Purging
$fastly->purge('http://www.example.com');    # regular purge
$fastly->purge('http://www.example.com', 1); # 'soft' purge (see note below)
$service->purge_by_key('article-1');         # purge by surrogate key, note this works on $service
$service->purge_by_key('article-1', 1);      # 'soft' purge by surrogate key
$service->purge_all;                         # use with caution!


A Note About Authentication

Authenticating with a username/password is deprecated and will no longer be available starting September 2020.

Authenticating with an API Token is shown in the example synopsis below. For more information on API Tokens, please see [Fastly's API Token documentation](https://developer.fastly.com/reference/api/auth/). For more information about authenticating to our API, please see our [Authentication section](https://developer.fastly.com/reference/api/#authentication).


new <opt[s]>

Create a new Fastly client. Options are

  • user - your Fastly login
  • password - your Fastly password
  • api_key - your Fastly api key

You only need to pass in api_key OR user and password.

Some methods require full username and password rather than just auth token.


Get the current Net::Fastly::Client

set_customer <customer id>

Set the current customer to act as.

NOTE: this will only work if you're an admin


Whether or not we're authed at all by either username & password or API key


Whether or not we're fully (username and password) authed


Return a User object representing the current logged in user.

This will not work if you're logged in with an API key.


Return a Customer object representing the customer of the current logged in user.


Return a hash representing all commands available.

Useful for information.

purge <path> [soft]

Purge the specified path from your cache.

You can optionally pass in a true value to enable "soft" purging e.g

$fastly->purge($url, 1);

See https://docs.fastly.com/guides/purging/soft-purges

Previously purging made an API call to the /purge endpoint of the Fastly API.

The new method of purging is done by making an HTTP request against the URL using the PURGE HTTP method.

This module now uses the new method. The old method can be used by passing the use_old_purge_method into the constructor.

my $fastly = Net::Fastly->new(%login_opts, use_old_purge_method => 1);

stats [opt[s]]

Fetches historical stats for each of your fastly services and groups the results by service id.

If you pass in a field opt then fetches only the specified field.

If you pass in a service opt then fetches only the specified service.

The field and service opts can be combined.

If you pass in an aggregate flag then fetches historical stats information aggregated across all of your Fastly services. This cannot be combined with field and service.

Other options available are:

  • from & to
  • by
  • region

See http://docs.fastly.com/docs/stats for details.

usage [opt[s]]

Returns usage information aggregated across all Fastly services and grouped by region.

If the by_service flag is passed then teturns usage information aggregated by service and grouped by service & region.

Other options available are:

  • from & to
  • by
  • region

See http://docs.fastly.com/docs/stats for details.


Fetches the list of codes for regions that are covered by the Fastly CDN service.

create_user <opts>

create_customer <opts>

create_service <opts>

create_version service_id => <service id>, [opts]

create_backend service_id => <service id>, version => <version number>, name => <name> <opts>

create_director service_id => <service id>, version => <version number>, name => <name> <opts>

create_domain service_id => <service id>, version => <version number>, name => <name> <opts>

create_healthcheck service_id => <service id>, version => <version number>, name => <name> <opts>

create_match service_id => <service id>, version => <version number>, name => <name> <opts>

create_origin service_id => <service id>, version => <version number>, name => <name> <opts>

create_syslog service_id => <service id>, version => <version number>, name => <name> <opts>

create_vcl service_id => <service id>, version => <version number>, name => <name> <opts>

create_condition service_id => <service id>, version => <version number>, name => <name> <opts>

Create new objects.

get_user <id>

get_customer <id>

get_service <id>

get_version <service id> <number>

get_backend <service id> <version number> <name>

get_director <service id> <version number> <name>

get_domain <service id> <version number> <name>

get_healthcheck <service id> <version number> <name>

get_invoice [<year> <month>]

Return a Net::Fastly::Invoice objects representing an invoice for all services.

If a year and month are passed in returns the invoice for that whole month.

Otherwise it returns the invoices for the current month to date.

get_match <service id> <version number> <name>

get_origin <service id> <version number> <name>

get_syslog <service id> <version number> <name>

get_vcl <service id> <version number> <name>

get_version <service id> <version number> <name>

get_settings <service id> <version number>

get_condition <service id> <version number> <name>

Get existing objects.

update_user <obj>

update_customer <obj>

update_service <obj>

update_version <obj>

update_backend <obj>

update_director <obj>

update_domain <obj>

update_healthcheck <obj>

update_match <obj>

update_origin <obj>

update_syslog <obj>

update_vcl <obj>

update_version <obj>

update_settings <obj>

update_condition <obj>

Update existing objects.

Note - you can also do


delete_user <obj>

delete_customer <obj>

delete_service <obj>

delete_version <obj>

delete_backend <obj>

delete_director <obj>

delete_domain <obj>

delete_healthcheck <obj>

delete_match <obj>

delete_origin <obj>

delete_syslog <obj>

delete_vcl <obj>

delete_version <obj>

delete_condition <obj>

Delete existing objects.

Note - you can also do
















Get a list of all objects

search_services <param[s]>

Search all the services that the current customer has.

In general you'll want to do

    my @services = $fastly->search_services(name => $name);


    my ($service) = $fastly->search_services(name => $name, version => $number);


load_options <file>

Attempts to load various config options in the form

<key> = <value>

From a file.

Skips whitespace and lines starting with #.

get_options <file[s]>

Tries to load options from the file[s] passed in using, load_options, stopping when it finds the first one.

Then it overrides those options with command line options of the form



Copyright 2011 - Fastly Inc

Distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.


Mail support at fastly dot com if you have problems.


