
This repository is where you'll do your work for the Getting Started with iOS Development Workshop

Getting Started with iOS Development

Welcome to thoughtbot's Getting Started with iOS Development workshop!

This repository is where you'll do your work for this workshop.

Fork this private repo into your own Github Account. If you don't know how to do this, there are instructions on GitHub

Our version of this repository is empty except for this README and thats the point. By working in your own fork of this repository we'll be able to see the code you're writing, answer questions, and even comment on it.

Other students in the workshop will also be able to see the code you're writing if they browse to your fork.

If you have any questions at all, ask on the forum, access the private Campfire chat, or attend the weeklyoffice hours. However, don't wait until the office hours if you get stuck or have questions, we're here to help you!