Project Requirements


Option One - Data Analytics Project

  1. Access a Sqlite3 Database using ActiveRecord.
  2. You should have at minimum three models including one join model. This means you must have a many-to-many relationship.
  3. You should seed your database using data that you collect either from a CSV, a website by scraping, or an API.
  4. Your models should have methods that answer interesting questions about the data. For example, if you've collected info about movie reviews, what is the most popular movie? What movie has the most reviews?
  5. You should provide a simple React frontend to display the return values of your interesting methods.
  6. Use good OO design patterns. You should have separate classes for your models

Option Two - CRUD App

  1. Access a Sqlite3 Database using ActiveRecord.
  2. You should have a minimum of three models.
  3. You should build out a simple React frontend to give your user full CRUD ability for at least one of your resources. For example, build out a To-Do list. A user should be able to create a new to-do, see all todos, update a todo item, and delete a todo. Todos can be grouped into categories, so that a to-do has many categories and categories have many to-dos.
  4. Use good OO design patterns. You should have separate classes for your models. Getting started Clone down this repository to use as your backend. The rack folder has all of the basics for a rack application. The application.rb has an example GET route. Run the rack server

Getting Started

  1. Clone down this repository.
  2. A basic rack app is located in the backend folder.
  3. First run bundle in your backend folder to install your gems
  4. application.rb has an example GET route, replace this route with routes for your project!

Start your server with: shotgun --port=9292

Note: This will run your server on port http://localhost:9292. shotgun is a ruby gem that will automatically reload your rack server. You may still need to refresh your browser to see changes.

  1. Your backend and your frontend should be in two different repositories. Create a new repository with a react app for your frontend.

Fetch example

Your react app should make fetch requests to your rack backend!

    .then(res => res.json())