Little Esty Shop - Bulk Discounts

This project is an extension of the Little Esty Shop group project from Turing Backend Mod 2. Students will add functionality for merchants to create bulk discounts for their items. A “bulk discount” is a discount based on the quantity of items the customer is buying, for example “20% off orders of 10 or more items”.

Learning Goals

  • Write migrations to create tables and relationships between tables
  • Implement CRUD functionality for a resource using forms (form_tag or form_with), buttons, and links
  • Use MVC to organize code effectively, limiting the amount of logic included in views and controllers
  • Use built-in ActiveRecord methods to join multiple tables of data, make calculations, and group data based on one or more attributes
  • Write model tests that fully cover the data logic of the application
  • Write feature tests that fully cover the functionality of the application


  • Rails 5.2.x
  • PostgreSQL
  • ActiveRecord
  • Import data from CSV files
  • All code must be tested via feature tests and model tests, respectively progress on user stories
  • Deploy completed code to Heroku

Isabelle's Database Schema


Potential Future Functionality

  • Complete Extensions
  • Add personal GitHub API
  • Refactor Code and Complete All Model Testing to 100% Coverage