
A module to build a minified and concatenated file for the API console

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


A node module to build the API console from the api-console element.

This module bundles required elements (web components and libraries) into single bundle. It places API console sources in place where the <link rel="import"> for the web component is defined.

You may be interested in using our CLI tool to build the API Console. Install the api-console-cli ang build the console with single command.

Using the module

This module provides you with tools to:

  • build your own version of the API Console
  • generate API documentation from the RAML file using latest (or any tagged release) version of the console
  • tweak the build process to optimize loading time of the API console

Basic usage

const builder = require('api-console-builder');

  dest: 'build',
  raml: 'path/to/api.raml',
  useJson: true
.then(() => console.log('Build complete'))
.catch((cause) => console.log('Build error', cause.message));

Script above downloads that latest release of the API Console and use it to create a standalone web application that displays documentation from the RAML file.


All available options are defined in the BuilderOptions class. You can initialize options using simple map or options class:

const {BuilderOptions} = require('api-console-builder');

const options = new BuilderOptions({
  dest: 'build',
  raml: 'path/to/api.raml'
options.src = 'https://github.com/mulesoft/api-console/archive/release/4.0.0.zip';
console.log(options.useJson); // prints false
Option Type Description
src String Source of the API console. If the src is an URL then it expects it to be a zip file that will be uncopressed to a working directory. If it points to a local destination and it is a zip file, set sourceIsZip option to true. Defaults to undefined and the it downloads the latest release of the console.
tagVersion String A release tag name to use. With this option the builder uses specific release of the console. If not set and src is not set it uses latest release. Note, only versions >= 4.0.0 can be used with this tool.
mainFile String Source index file, an entry point to the application. Don't set when downloading the api-console source code from GitHub. Then it will use one of the build-in templates depending on options. Should point to a file that contains web components imports.
sourceIsZip Boolean Set to true if the API console source (src) points to a zip file that should be uncopressed. If the src is an URL then it will be set to true. Defaults to false.
dest String Output directory. Defaults to ./build.
useJson Boolean If set, it will generate a JSON file out of the RAML file and will use pre-generated data in the console. Use this option to optimize console's load time. It will not include raml-json-enhance and raml-js-parser elements into the build and will use pre-generated JSON to load it into the console. Note that you will have to regenerate the API console each time your API spec changes. Defaults to false.
inlineJson Boolean Set to true to inline pre-generated JSON data in the main file instead of creating external JSON file. Only valid if embedded is not set to true and with useJson set to true. Embeded version of the API console always require external JSON file. Defaults to false.
embedded Boolean If true it will generate an import file for the web components that can be used in any web application. It will not generate a standalone application. Generated source file will contain an example of using the api-console on any web page. Defaults to false.
raml String The RAML file from which produce the documentation. If not set then it will generate a plain API console application without any documentation attached. Defaults to undefined.
jsCompilationLevel String Level of JavaScript compilation used by Google Closure Compiler. Possible options are WHITESPACE_ONLY and SIMPLE. Don not use ADVANCED level. Option SIMPLE will make the build process longer than WHITESPACE_ONLY but it will produce less code. Defaults to WHITESPACE_ONLY
noOptimization Boolean If set it will not perform any code optimization. It will disable: comments removal, JS compilation, HTML minification, and CSS minification. It should be used only for development to reduce build time. Output will contain more data and therefore will be bigger. Defaults to false.
noCssOptimization Boolean Disables CSS minification (CSS files and <style> declarations). Defaults to false.
noHtmlOptimization Boolean Disables HTML minification. Also disables comments removal. Defaults to false.
noJsOptimization Boolean Disables JavaScript compilation with Google Closure Compiler. Defaults to false.
attributes Array An array of attributes to set on the <api-console> element. See description below for more information.
verbose Boolean Produces debug output to the console. Defaults to false

Configuring the console - setting attributes

To set configuration option available for the <api-console> element set a list of attributes to the attributes option.

For boolean attributes add the attribute name as a string. For attributes with values add a map where the key is an attribute name and value is attribute's value.

Note: Do not set raml property here. It will be ignored. This option mast be set in general options map.

Note: Do not use camel case notation. It will not work. See the example.


const attributes = [
  {'proxy': 'https://proxy.domain.com'},
  {'page': 'request'}

Example above is the same as:

const attributes = [
    'proxy': 'https://proxy.domain.com',
    'page': 'request'

and produces the following output:

<api-console proxy-encodeUrl no-try-it page="request" proxy="https://proxy.domain.com"></api-console>

List of all available options can be found here: https://github.com/mulesoft/api-console/blob/master/docs/configuring-api-console.md

Building embeddable console

The API console can be embedded in your website or blog post. To build the console from the RAML spec, use the embedded option.

The output will contain two main files:

  • import.html - bundled source code of the console
  • example.html - shows an example of use

To embed the console on your website

  1. You have to include polyfill in the website's <head> section.
  2. You have to import the import.html file as regular web component
  3. Place the <api-console></api-console> anywhere on your website
  4. Initialize data depending on the build method. Examples of initialization are in the example.html file.

1. Polyfill

Include the following polyfil in the <head> section

  (function() {
    'use strict';
    var onload=function(){window.HTMLImports||document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("WebComponentsReady",{bubbles:!0}))},webComponentsSupported="registerElement"in document&&"import"in document.createElement("link")&&"content"in document.createElement("template");if(webComponentsSupported)onload();else{var script=document.createElement("script");script.async=!0;script.src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js";script.onload=onload;document.head.appendChild(script)};

2. Import bundle

  <link rel="import" href="import.html">

3. Place the console

<div style="position:relative; height:500px;">

The API console should be placed in a relatively positioned parent element with explicitly set height. Otherwise it won't renders correctly. By explicitly set height meaning either use of the height value in pixels or by using flex layout.

4. Initialize the data

This step depends on selected build method (with JSON or not, is JSON is inlined). See build example to see how to do it.

Custom build

You can customize the API Console by creating your own html file that contains the <api-console> element.

Example source file

As defined in the api-console element readme file.

<!-- index.html -->
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, minimum-scale=1, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=yes">
        window.Polymer = {
          dom: 'shadow'
        // Load webcomponentsjs polyfill if browser does not support native Web Components
        (function() {
          'use strict';
          var onload = function() {
            // For native Imports, manually fire WebComponentsReady so user code
            // can use the same code path for native and polyfill'd imports.
            if (!window.HTMLImports) {
              document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('WebComponentsReady', {bubbles: true}));
          var webComponentsSupported = (
            'registerElement' in document &&
            'import' in document.createElement('link') &&
            'content' in document.createElement('template')
          if (!webComponentsSupported) {
            var script = document.createElement('script');
            script.async = true;
            script.src = 'bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js';
            script.onload = onload;
          } else {
            document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    <link rel="import" href="bower_components/api-console/api-console.html">
    <link rel="import" href="bower_components/iron-flex-layout/iron-flex-layout-classes.html">
    <style is="custom-style" include="iron-flex iron-flex-alignment"></style>

This example omits the way of passing data to the api-console. This has been described in the Passing the raml data section.

const builder = require('api-console-builder');

  src: './', //custom build
  dest: 'build',
  raml: 'https://domain.com/api.raml',
  useJson: true,
  mainFile: 'index.html'
.then(() => {
  console.log('Build complete');
  // run polymer serve build/ --open
.catch((cause) => console.log('Build error', cause.message));

The module replaces imports section:

<link rel="import" href="bower_components/api-console/api-console.html">
<link rel="import" href="bower_components/iron-flex-layout/iron-flex-layout-classes.html">

with actual content of imported files and their dependencies.

Because the API console is build out of the elements that require resources from the bower_components folder (for example not directly linked javascript files like libraries or web workers) this module will generate a bower_components folder with files that may be required by the application. Scripts from this folder will be loaded on demand.


Application based on the API Console loads a RAML file(s), parses it and generates JSON data that are recognizable by the console. This process can be slow and consumes lot of computing power. This can affect user experience, especially on mobile devices.

If the API spec doesn't change very often you can tell the builder to generate a JSON file out of the RAML spec and use it instead of parsing RAML content all over again. You have to set useJson option when initializing the builder. It will generate a api.json file that will be used by the API console.

If you are creating custom build then your application should handle JSON file load. See the standalone-json.tpl file for example.

If you don't want the console to download the JSON file but rather use a JavaScript object embedded in the source file, then you can set inlineJson builder option. Note that this option currently is not working with custom builds.

Beta version notice

This is pre-relase version of the api-console-builder and this module may change in the future.

Current API is rather stable and we are not planning breaking changes.

Help us develop the API Console build tools! File an issue report for issues, feature requests for improvements. We'll be happy to hear from you.