Telegram bot @isael_ayuda_bot is a Telegram bot created by Isael Diroche to manage a group, provide information, handle data, and facilitate repetitive actions. It was created around August 2021, although the idea had emerged a bit earlier. Deploying it was a hassle, but this project was motivated by the bot @Jonathanitlabot.
If you are interested in collaborating and being part of this project or contributing to the documentation, which may sometimes be incomplete or outdated, feel free to contact me at @Isael_Diroche on Telegram.
Below are the commands currently available for the bot. As updates are made, new commands might be introduced.
The functionality of this command is to start the bot and also check its operational status, ensuring it is working correctly. No parameters are required.
This command provides basic information about the bot's commands so that users can understand some of its features and parameters. No parameters are required.
This command allows users to translate text either from English to Spanish or vice versa. It accepts the text to be translated as a parameter.
With this command, users can convert text to audio, which the bot will send. To work correctly, this command requires the text to be converted to voice as a parameter.
For now, this is all about the bot. Thank you for taking the time to visit its documentation.