
Primary LanguageDart

Folder Structure

api     # contains protobuf definitions
fitness # SoFit Flutter client application
hiit    # SoFit HIIT Backend Server
pose    # SoFit PoseNet Server

Running SoFit Client

In order to run the SoFit Client, flutter SDK has to be installed. Either XCode or android studio has to be installed to run SoFit. Flutter install

iOS instructions on running flutter

Running the application on iPhone

# In root directory
$ cd fitness
$ # Enable provisioning profile for your device
$ open ios/Runner.xcworkspace 
$ flutter run --release

Running SoFit PoseNet and HIIT Backend

HIIT Backend

In order to run HIIT backend, go has to be installed. Install here

$ cd hiit && go run main.go


It is recommended that you run PoseNet server on a virtualenv

$ cd pose
$ python3 -m venv pose_env
$ source pose_env/bin/activate
$ pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
$ cd src
$ make 

Docker Compose

It is recommended that you build the image locally as the hosted image is not up to date.


PoseNet has not been optimised to run on containers and hence the performance is not satisfactory.

$ cd pose
$ make build
$ cd ../hiit
$ make build
$ cd ../ && docker-compose up