To get the latest version of Laravel Helpers, simply require the project using Composer:
composer require andrey-helldar/laravel-helpers
Instead, you may of course manually update your require block and run composer update
if you so choose:
"require": {
"andrey-helldar/laravel-helpers": "^1.0"
If you don't use auto-discovery, add the ServiceProvider
to the providers array in config/app.php
Set the application namespace by console command:
php artisan app:name <YourWord>
Remote helpers returned:
- array_add
- array_collapse
- array_divide
- array_dot
- array_except
- array_first
- array_flatten
- array_forget
- array_get
- array_has
- array_last
- array_only
- array_pluck
- array_prepend
- array_pull
- array_random
- array_set
- array_sort
- array_sort_recursive
- array_where
- array_wrap
Remote helpers returned:
- camel_case
- ends_with
- kebab_case
- snake_case
- starts_with
- str_after
- str_before
- str_contains
- str_contains_all
- str_finish
- str_is
- str_limit
- str_plural
- str_random
- str_replace_array
- str_replace_first
- str_replace_last
- str_singular
- str_slug
- str_start
- studly_case
- title_case
This package is released under the MIT License.