An online Turkish dictionary that uses
sozluk is available through MELPA. If you have it set up already, just do M-x package-install sozluk
and you are good to go. Otherwise please see MELPA getting started page to learn how you can install packages through MELPA or see the following installation options.
Another way to install sozluk.el
would be using either straight or quelpa package managers:
(use-package sozluk
:quelpa (sozluk :fetcher github :repo "isamert/sozluk.el"))
Alternatively, you can use the straight package manager:
(use-package sozluk
:straight (sozluk :type git :host github :repo "isamert/sozluk.el"))
Another option is just downloading sozluk.el file and putting into your load-path, afterwards you can simply do the following in your init.el:
(require 'sozluk)