
Repository for the iSamples GUI app

Primary LanguagePython


Repository for the iSamples GUI app

Check out the code

  1. git clone git@github.com:isamplesorg/isamples_gui.git
  2. git submodule update --init --recursive (this one may need to be executed multiple times as isamples_frictionless gets updates)

Setting the resource path to find the schema.json

By default, the app will try to use the built-in isamples_simple_schema.json when constructing the frictionless package. In order for the app to find it, it will look in the directory specified in the RESOURCEPATH environment variable. When the application bundle is constructed using py2app, this will be the Resources directory in the application bundle. However, if you are running in an IDE, you will need to explicitly set the environment variable to the directory that has the isamples_simple_schema.json for this to work properly. Of course, you can also manually choose your own frictionless schema file when running the app.

Setting up the environment

  1. mkvirtualenv isamples_gui or workon isamples_gui
  2. poetry install

Building the app on macOS

pyinstaller -i isampleslogo.icns --add-data "isamples_frictionless/isamples_frictionless/isamples_simple_schema.json:." --collect-all frictionless --onedir --windowed -n iSamplesOSX iSamplesGUI.py

or, shorter:

pyinstaller iSamplesOSX.spec

but executing the complicated statement will update the iSamplesOSX.spec above, in case there is a need to update in the future.

Building the app on Windows

  1. Configuring dependency : update the python and pyinstaller dependency.
  2. Build the app : pyinstaller --onedir --windowed -n iSamplesGUI --add-data "isampleslogo.ico;." --add-data "isamples_frictionless/isamples_frictionless/isamples_simple_schema.json;." --icon="isampleslogo.ico" --collect-all frictionless iSamplesGUI.py or execute simply pyinstaller iSamplesGUI.spec.


When testing, my environment got broken with this error:

"ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pkg_resources'"

I fixed it like this:

 pip install setuptools --upgrade 

Developing in PyCharm on Mac

I had a problem launching iSamplesGUI.py from PyCharm where it would always fail with this error message:

This program needs access to the screen.
Please run with a Framework build of python, and only when you are
logged in on the main display of your Mac.

Worked around it by following the instructions here to create the virtual environment: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40686592/wxpython-and-pycharm-on-mac and then switching to that virtual environment on the cmd-line and doing a poetry install.