
hello preact, typescript, rollup

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Hello World (Preact, TypeScript, Babel, and Rollup)

This is an example of compiling a Preact component and including it in an HTML page.

Developer builds ES2016/ES7:

npm run build

Build with IE 11 support with polyfills:

npm run build-ie


  • Typescript
  • Babel
    • Browserlist-based transpilation
    • Browserlist-based Polyfill
    • Tail call optimization
    • Closure elimination
  • Rollup
    • Common code in separate chunk
  • [-] Sourcemap (shows es7 or es5, not src/*.tsx)
  • Minification
  • Efficient/fast

TypeScript Configuration

TypeScript configuration is in tsconfig.json, reference info here. Usage:

  • "target": "es2016" only transpile code that is not supported on Chrome, iOS, Edge, Safari, or FF.
  • "module": "es2015", says our modules are ES2015 (not CommonJS, SystemJS, etc).
  • "jsx": "react", says we have markup inlined in the code, and it should be transformed for the browser.
  • "jsxFactory": "h", specifies the function name to use for the JSX transformations. Must set to "h" for Preact.
  • "moduleResolution": "node" says do not use legacy "classic" module resolution. Required for our use of ES2015 modules with npm installed dependencies.

Babel Configuration

Babel transforms Javascript specification X to Javascript specification Y. TypeScript already does this, but it does supply polyfills for missing features. Babel has a rich plugin ecosystem, often packaged as "presets". Preset @babel/env allows us to transform Javascript to support particular browsers, instead of a particular language specification. So, for example, if browser B supports ES5, and some of ES2015, then: supported parts will be left untouched, unsupported syntax will be transpiled, and missing features will be polyfilled (where possible).

The targeted browser list is specified by the browserslist array. The browser data, and usage information are here.

@babel/env reference is here, see the babel and browserslist configs in package.json. Usage:

  • "loose": true results in less verbose, perhaps more performant, code transformations.
  • "modules": false" is important to preserve the ES2015 module syntax, which will be post-processed by Rollup.
  • "useBuiltIns": "usage"

Rollup Configuration

Rollup processes ES2015 module directives, and bundles them. Configuration reference here.