How to edit this website?

How to create a new file?

  • Log into Github with your github account
  • On this page, navigate to any of the files that you want to change (some are in subfolders).
  • Editable files have an '.md' ending.
  • Click on the file
  • On the top right, there is small pencil-icon.
  • Click that icon and edit the page.
  • The page uses [Markdown], to create e.g., headings and make text bold or italic.

How to create a new file?

  • Navigate to the folder you want a new file to be placed.
  • On the top right, there is a button 'Create new File'.
  • give the file a name with the ending '.md'.
  • Edit the content of the page.
  • Voila!

How can I link to that new file?

  • Ask Benjamin in slack

How can I upload a picture / video?

  • Ask Benjamin in slack

How can I view the website offline?

  • install jekyll

  • Download all files, open a terminal window, navigate to the directory and enter:

    bundle exec jekyll serve

Alternatively, you can run Jekyll inside docker using:

docker run -v $(pwd):/srv/jekyll -it jekyll/builder jekyll build