
Kubernetes admission controller webhook example

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Privacy-aware Kubernetes Admission Controller Webhook

This repository contains a small HTTP server that can be used as a Kubernetes MutatingAdmissionWebhook.


A cluster on which this example can be tested must be running Kubernetes 1.24.0 or above, with the admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1 API enabled. You can verify that by observing that the following command produces a non-empty output:

kubectl api-versions | grep admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1

In addition, the MutatingAdmissionWebhook admission controller should be added and listed in the admission-control flag of kube-apiserver.

For building the image, GNU make and Go are required.

To issue and sign certificates, cert-manager must be deployed to the cluster before the webhook. To deploy cert-manager, these steps can be followed:

$ kubectl create namespace cert-manager # cert-manager is the default namespace
$ kubectl apply -f https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.11.0/cert-manager.yaml

To verify the cert-manager api, run $cmctl check api.

Deploying the Webhook Server

  1. Bring up a Kubernetes cluster satisfying the above prerequisites, and make sure it is active (i.e., either via the configuration in the default location, or by setting the KUBECONFIG environment variable).
  2. Create the webhook namespace:
$ kubectl create namespace webhook-demo
  1. Deploy all webhook resources:
$ kubectl apply -n webhook-demo -f deployment/deployment.yaml.template


  1. The webhook-server pod in the webhook-demo namespace should be running:
$ kubectl -n webhook-demo get pods
NAME                             READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
webhook-server-6f976f7bf-hssc9   1/1       Running   0          35m
  1. A MutatingWebhookConfiguration named demo-webhook should exist:
$ kubectl get mutatingwebhookconfigurations | grep webhook-server
NAME           AGE
demo-webhook   36m
  1. Deploy a pod that has all necessary transparency information:
$ kubectl create -f examples/pod-with-information.yaml

Verify that the pod has the transparency information in its annotations:

$ kubectl get pod/pod-with-information -o yaml | grep annotations -A 3
    purposes: given
    dataCategories: given
  1. Deploy a pod that has some the transparency tags but is missing dataCategories:
$ kubectl create -f examples/pod-with-override.yaml
$ kubectl get pod/pod-with-override -o yaml | grep annotations -A 3
    purposes: given
    dataCategories: unspecified
  1. Deploy a pod which disallows deployment outside of the EU. This only applies to GKE clusters.
$ kubectl create -f examples/pod-with-conflict.yaml

If the cluster is running in zones outside of the EU, the deployment will be rejected and return an error. If not, the deployment will pass and can be verified with:

$ kubectl get pod/pod-with-conflict -o yaml | grep annotations -A 3
    purposes: given
    dataCategories: unspecified

Build the Image from Sources (optional)

An image can be built by running make. If you want to modify the webhook server for testing purposes, be sure to set and export the shell environment variable IMAGE to an image tag for which you have push access. You can then build and push the image by running make push-image. Also make sure to change the image tag in deployment/deployment.yaml.template, and if necessary, add image pull secrets.