
Unrealscript classes for a spreading fire Actor made in UDK

Primary LanguageUnrealScript


Unrealscript classes for an actor that creates a spreading fire by maintaining a pool of custom particle emitters


Change HurtDamageType in LudDynamicParticleEmitter.uc to your damage type.

I forgot to include the decal material in the assets package, so you will need to change line 225 in LudDynamicParticleEmitter.uc to a valid DecalMaterial.

LightFunction_Fire.uc and LudPhysicalMaterialProperty.uc are examples for your own Lightfunctions and PhysicalMaterialProperties. If you already have a PhysicalMaterialProperties class, just copy over the fFlammability and fFireSizeScale variables.

Assets are available at


spawn with something like this:

function StartBurningEffect() { local LudEmitter_Spreading spreadingFire;

spreadingFire = Spawn(class'LudEmitter_Spreading');
