

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



Libraries Used:-

  • pandas
  • numpy
  • sklearn
  • matplotlib
  • seaborn
  • folium

Goal from project:-

  • 1)identify what affects the price of listing
  • 2)Build a model that can predict the price of listing

Answer these qustions

  • What features have the highest correlation with the price?
  • Can we predict the price from the given features?
  • Can we predict the weekly and monthly price from the price?
  • Is there a price difference between Boston and Seattle?
  • Do local postings from hosts in the same city value higher then remote postings?

Data Sources:-

Two avoid bias I merged two datasets from two different cities to get a clear picure of what influences a price in general. The two datasets are:-

Medium link:https://medium.com/@isbader95/airbnb-boston-seattle-analysis-df053abb93f7?sk=1f3fa5c14ff300faba75cdbec331d426

Data prepration summary

Feature Old_type Action New_type
listing_url object Delete since the URL is not needed
picture_url object Delete since the URL is not needed
xl_picture_url object Delete since the URL is not needed
host_url object Delete since the URL is not needed
host_thumbnail_url object Delete since the URL is not needed
medium_url object Delete since the URL is not needed
thumbnail_url object Delete since the URL is not needed
host_picture_url object Delete since the URL is not needed
--- --- --- ---
square_feet float64 Delete since %97 of data is missing
license float64 Delete since %100 of data is missing
country object Delete to avoid redundency
experiences_offered object delete since all values are none
--- --- --- ---
price object Remove dollar sign and punctuations Float64
weekly_price object Remove dollar sign and punctuations then try to predict Float64
monthly_price object Remove dollar sign and punctuations then try to predict Float64
security_deposit object replace null values with 0 Float64
cleaning_fee object replace null values with 0 Float64
guests_included int64 clean int64
extra_people object Remove dollar sign and punctuations Float64
--- --- --- ---
summary object Get the word count insted int64
space object Get the word count insted int64
description object Get the word count insted int64
neighborhood_overview object Get the word count insted int64
transit object Get the word count insted int64
host_about object Get the word count insted int64
notes object Get the word count insted int64
--- --- --- ---
host_location object Fill missing values with 'unknown' and grab only the city object
smart_location object split to grab the city only and change to lower case object
state object Change all to lower case object
latitude Float clean Float
longitude Float clean Float
neighbourhood object fill missing values from neighbourhood_cleansed object
is_location_exact object change to bool int64
zipcode object clean to get the digits only int64
host_match int64 added bool feature to check post and host location match int64
street object delete I will not be using it
country_code object delete I will not be using it
city object delete to avoid redundency
neighbourhood_group_cleansed object delete to avoid redundency
neighbourhood_cleansed object delete to avoid redundency
--- --- --- ---
host_id int64 clean int64
host_name object replace null with none object
host_since date_time replace null with median datetime64
host_response_time object replace null with none object
host_response_rate object replace from median float64
host_acceptance_rate object replace from median float64
host_is_superhost object replace with int bool int64
host_neighbourhood object delete unnecessary
host_year int64 created this new column to represent the year the host joined int64
--- --- --- ---
host_listings_count float64 replace null with mean int64
host_total_listings_count float64 Delete to avoid redundency
host_has_profile_pic object change to bool and replace null with 0 int64
host_identity_verified object change to bool and replace null with 0 int64
host_verifications object Replace with the number of verifications int64
market object delete to avoid redundency
--- --- --- ---
property_type object replace null with mode object
room_type object replace null with mode object
accommodates int64 clean int64
bathrooms float64 replace null values with mode float64
bedrooms float64 replace null values with mode float64
beds float64 replace missing with the mode float64
bed_type object clean object
amenities object get the count of amenities int64
--- --- --- ---
number_of_reviews int64 clean int64
first_review object change to date-time fromat and clean datetime64
last_review object change to date-time format and clean datetime64
review_scores_rating float64 replace null values with mean float64
review_scores_accuracy float64 replace null values with mean float64
review_scores_cleanliness float64 replace null values with mean float64
review_scores_checkin float64 replace null values with mean float64
review_scores_communication float64 replace null values with mean float64
review_scores_location float64 replace null values with mean float64
review_scores_value float64 replace null values with mean float64
--- --- --- ---
minimum_nights int64 clean int64
maximum_nights int64 clean int64
calendar_updated object clean object
has_availability object change with int bool and fill null with 0 int64
availability_30 int64 clean int64
availability_60 int64 clean int64
availability_90 int64 clean int64
availability_365 int64 clean int64
calendar_last_scraped object unnecessary delete
--- --- --- ---
instant_bookable object change to int bool int64
cancellation_policy object clean object
instant_bookable object change to int bool int64
require_guest_profile_picture float64 change to int bool int64
require_guest_phone_verification float64 change to int bool int64
calculated_host_listings_count int64 clean int64
reviews_per_month float64 fill missing with mean float64
requires_license object change to int bool (delete since all values are false)
jurisdiction_names object delete not nacassery