
the script 'pre-commit' is able to check a file ending in '.pp' for syntax and lining error when you try to commit files to git. if errors are found the commit is rejected

this script is based on an article form http://wadmiraal.net/lore/2014/07/14/how-git-hooks-made-me-a-better-and-more-lovable-developer/

test the script

to test or use this script, you must first install puppet and puppet-lint

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install puppet
sudo apt-get install puppet-lint

if you install them using other methods, make sure puppet and puppet-lint is in your PATH. clone this repo and move to the new directory

git clone https://github.com/isberg1/puppet-manifest-validation-and-linting-on-commit.git
cd puppet-manifest-validation-and-linting-on-commit/

install the script

cp pre-commit .git/hooks/pre-commit

next open the file 'helloworld/manifests/motd.pp' in a text editor, and introduce i syntax error like

change line 3 from

file { '/etc/motd':


file { '/etc/motd'

run a test to see that the script is working

git add .
git commit -m "new error"

expected console output

Error: Could not parse for environment production: Syntax error at ';' (file: /home/isberg1/Desktop/gitHoksTest/helloworld/manifests/motd.pp, line: 3, column: 21)
	Aborting commit due to files with syntax errors.

to test linting, first correct the syntax error, and then introduce a linting error like adding " " to the end of a line

use the scrip for your self

to use this script for yourself place the file 'pre-commit' in your .git/hooks/pre-commit

cp pre-commit [file path-to-git-repo]/.git/hooks/pre-commit