
Port of Python's "textwrap" module to Go

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Text Wrap

This is a port of Python's "textwrap" module for Go. Well, sort of...


This modules (at least for now) is not wrapping on whitespaces and right after hyphens in compound words, as it is customary in English. That said, break_on_hyphens and break_long_words are not yet supported.

Also fix_sentence_endings is not supported as well for now, which doesn't work reliably in Python anyways (since it requires two spaces and other conditions nobody cares of).

The implementation for hyphens support is planned however, while fix_sentence_endings is not (but! your PRs are welcome and free to implement it).


The usage is quite similar as in Python:

import (


text := "Your very long text here"
wrapper := textwrap.NewTextWrap() // Defaults to 70
fmt.Println(wrapper.Fill(text))      // Returns string

// Get each line
for idx, line := range wrapper.Wrap(text) {
	fmt.Println(idx, line)

De-dent is also implemented and works exactly the same as in Python:

multilineText := `
    There is some multiline text
  with different identation
      everywhere. So it will be
    aligned to the minimal.

// This will remove two leading spaces from each line


You can setup wrapper object constructor the following way (given values are its defaults, so you can change it to whatever you want):

wrapper := textwrap.NewTextWrap().

Have fun.

Bonus Functions

While it is possible to do it differently, this module also gives you string whitespace trimming for only leading whitespace (TrimLeft) or only trailing (TrimRight), as contrary to strings.TrimSpace that trims everything.

The whitespace is the same as defined in Python's strings.whitespace.