🎒. This repository contains everything I did during the 4 years I studied at ESCOM, I hope that people who finds this material will find it useful.

Primary LanguageC


This repository contains everything I did during the 4 years I studied at ESCOM, I hope that people who finds this material will find it useful.

Course Teacher Qualification
Programacion estructurada Juan Vicente Garcia 8
Estructuras de datos Rafael Norman Saucedo 9
Analisis de algoritmos Benjamin Luna Benoso 10
Aplicaciones para las comunicaciones en red Axel Ernesto Moreno Cervantes 10
Diseño de sistemas digitales Nayeli Vega Garcia 10
Arquitectura de computadoras Nayeli Vega Garcia 10
Sistemas operativos Josue Rangel Gonzalez 10
Tecnologias para la web Jose Antonio Ortiz Ramirez 10
Procesamiento de lenguaje natural Olga Kolesnikova 10

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