Retail Web Application

A Spring MVC (Hibernate ORM, JSP view) application based on these requirements:

On a retail website, the following discounts apply:

  1. If the user is an employee of the store, he gets a 30% discount
  2. If the user is an affiliate of the store, he gets a 10% discount
  3. If the user has been a customer for over 2 years, he gets a 5% discount.
  4. For every $100 on the bill, there would be a $5 discount (e.g. for $990, you get $45 as a discount).
  5. The percentage based discounts do not apply on groceries.
  6. A user can get only one of the percentage based discounts on a bill.
  7. Write a program with test cases such that given a bill, it finds the net payable amount


  • Java 8
  • Maven 3+
  • MySQL/MariaDB

Building & Running

Setup a database on MySQL/MariaDB named retailweb.
To run the unit tests, execute:

mvn test

To build & run the web application, simply execute:

mvn spring-boot:run

To view the web UI, browse localhost:8080.