
Demo project for Spring ecosystem

Primary LanguageKotlin

Spring Cloud Services Used


Service discovery


Services gateway.

  • Usage as interceptor: a correlation id is injected into each http request and response

  • Usage as router: person service is reacheable under http://localhost:5555/api/person-service/ and account service under http://localhost:5555/api/account-service


Circuit breaker

Spring Cloud Config Server

Configs are saved under github repo.


Event-driven: each time the person service changes person data, a message will be added to the message queue. Account service reads from the message queue. It clears the cache each time it reads a UPDATE/DELETE change from the person service.

Getting Started

Background programs:

  • Kafka: zookeeper-server-start /usr/local/etc/kafka/zookeeper.properties & kafka-server-start /usr/local/etc/kafka/server.properties

  • Redis: redis-server

  • PostgreSQL: pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start

To run the services, use mvn spring-boot:run


  • docker compose for all services


This project is based on Spring Microservices In Action, a brilliant book by John Carnell.