
Virtual joystick for web apps.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


RubIt /rʌbɪt/ is a virtual joystick for web apps.


How to use

First of all you should add the js library to your page. rubit.min.js is the minified version of the library, you could use it.

<script type="text/javascript" src="rubit.min.js"></script>

After that add the container which will contain the joystick. Container must have an id that you will pass as an argument when defining the joystick.

<div id="container_id"></div>

Than you can define the joystick. Options that are passed when defining the joystick will be explained in the following sections.

const rubit = new RubIt({
  container_id: 'container_id',
  type: 'dynamic',
  area_width: '300px',
  area_height: '300px',
  outer_rad: '100px',
  inner_rad: '60px',
  outer_bg: 'radial-gradient(#56CCF2 0%, #2F80ED 100%)',
  outer_border: 'none',
  inner_bg: 'radial-gradient(#56CCF2 0%, #2F80ED 100%)',
  inner_border: '1px solid #2F80ED'

Now you can specify a callback to be called on a certain event. Events will be explained in the following sections.

rubit.on('move', function(data) {
  console.log(`x: ${data.x}, y: ${data.y}`);


These are the options that are passed when defining the joystick.

  • container_id is the id of the element which contains the joystick.
  • type indicates the type of joystick.
    • static : The joystick is stationary.
    • dynamic : The joystick is repositioning every time the user starting a touch.
  • area_width is the width of the area that the joystick is constrained with.
  • area_height is the height of the area that the joystick is constrained with.
  • outer_rad is the radius of outer circle of joystick.
  • inner_rad is the radius of inner circle of joystick.
  • outer_bg is the background of outer circle of joystick.
  • outer_border is the border of outer circle of joystick.
  • inner_bg is the background of inner circle of joystick.
  • inner_border is the border of inner circle of joystick.

P.S. Options that are related to css passed directly. So you should pass values of those (like width and height) as a string and put unit values like px, em, ...

Here is a sample on how should option values be:

  container_id: 'container_id',
  type: 'dynamic',
  area_width: '300px',
  area_height: '300px',
  outer_rad: '100px',
  inner_rad: '60px',
  outer_bg: 'radial-gradient(#56CCF2 0%, #2F80ED 100%)',
  outer_border: 'none',
  inner_bg: 'radial-gradient(#56CCF2 0%, #2F80ED 100%)',
  inner_border: '1px solid #2F80ED'


Events are used for invoke a callback when a certain event happend. Let's say you want to add a callback when user moves the joystick, you can do it with on method. Exp: rubit.on('move', callback)


It's fired when user moves the sliding part of the joystick. Callback is invoked with an argument like below:

  distance: normalized distance between center of the joystick and the sliding part of it,
  x: x coord. of distance,
  y: y coord. of distance,
  angle: heading angle of sliding part of joystick


It's fired when user starts a new touch.


It's fired when user release a touch.


It's fired when joystick repositioned.


  • Keyboard controls
  • Multiple joystick support