
UglifyPHP is a JavaScript minifier and obfuscator for PHP files.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


UglifyPHP is a simple JavaScript minifier and obfuscator for PHP files.

How It Works

This package use a unique ID based on the current time to replace variables.

This should not be used as a licensing or code protection solution.


  npm install uglify-php


const UglifyPHP = require('uglify-php');

let options = {
  "excludes": [
  "minify": {
	 "replace_variables": true,
	 "remove_whitespace": true,
	 "remove_comments": true,
	 "minify_html": false
  "output": "C:/web/file_min.php" // when empty the promise will return the minified source code

// You can use a path or the source code
UglifyPHP.minify("C:/web/file.php", options).then(function (source) {


Original Source Code:

  class BaseClass {
    private $name = "Uglify-PHP";

    function __construct() {

    // Comment Block
    public function sayHello(){
      echo "Hello " . $this->name;
  $obj = new BaseClass();

Minified Source Code:

<?php class BaseClass{private $j5lg3rhh="Uglify-PHP";function __construct(){$this->sayHello();}public function sayHello(){echo "Hello ".$this->j5lg3rhh;}}$j5lg3rhj=new BaseClass();?>