This utility creates a keytab file for an Active Drectory user account. The keytab keys are computed locally with the password of the user. The only information queried from the AD server via LDAP is the KVNO. The system does not require a valid kerberos configuration to run this script, only network access to the Active Directory.
user-keytab [-h] [--user user] [--domain domain] [--output file]
-u, --user Set user to create keytab for (default: $USER)
-d, --domain Set AD domain (Default:
-o, --output Set output file (default: $USER.keytab)
-h, --help Displays this message
user-keytab is written in perl. Install perl and the following modules from CPAN:
- Net::LDAPS
- Term::ReadKey
- File::Slurp
- Digest::HMAC_SHA1
- Crypt::Rijndael
On a CentOS/RHEL system with EPEL enabled you can install everything with the following command:
yum install -y perl perl-LDAP perl-TermReadKey perl-File-Slurp perl-Digest-HMAC perl-Crypt-Rijndael
On a Debian or Ubuntu system the following command will do the same:
apt install perl libnet-ldap-perl libterm-readkey-perl libfile-slurp-perl libdigest-hmac-perl libcrypt-rijndael-perl
For less common operating systems the following command lines to the job:
- FreeBSD:
pkg install p5-Net-LDAP-Server p5-Term-ReadKey p5-File-Slurp p5-Digest-SHA1 p5-Crypt-Rijndael
- OpenBSD:
pkg_add gcc p5-ldap p5-File-Slurp p5-Digest-SHA1 p4-Crypt-Rijndael; cpan Term::ReadKey
- Arch Linux:
pacman -Sy gcc make perl-net-ldap-server perl-term-readkey perl-file-slurp perl-digest-sha1; cpan Crypt::Rijndael
- Void Linux:
xbps-install -Sy perl gcc make perl-Term-ReadKey perl-File-Slurp perl-Digest-SHA1 perl-Crypt-Rijndael; cpan Net::LDAPS