
[Official Debian packaging moved to git.debian.org] Debian Packaging for dphys-swapfile — a Tool to Autogenerate and Use a Swap File

Primary LanguageShell

author Neil Franklin, last modification 2006.12.22
This text (and all dphys-swapfile) copyright ETH Zuerich Physics Departement
  use under either modified/non-advertising BSD or GPL license

Introduction to dphys-swapfile setup/mount script


This program is aimed at using an automatically installed and RAM size
dependantly (re-)sized swap file instead of an fixed size (from partitioning)
swap partition. Install the system without an swap partition and then install
and run this.


This program should work on any Linux system. It is unlikely to be portable to
any non-Linux without lots of work (near rewrite).


This project has produced an script for (re-)creating an swap file on every
boot, and then mounting it, also unmounting it on shutdown, and offering
removal of the swap file when not needed any longer.


This project is fully open source. Documentation gets written together with the
code. Everything I write is immediately available for download. Current version
is what I am working on, if I write a bug you crash the next day. Older stable
versions are archived as Milestones.


Working package, in productive use on over 100 machines.


There is a installation guide at:


There is a FAQ file at: