

  • Install Python 3.6+
  • Install Redis
  • Install MongoDB

Setup Commands

  • Run mongodb on port 27017 in a separate terminal window
  • Run redis server with the command redis-server on a separate terminal window
  • cd into line_racer and run the command pip install -r requirements.txt (You can choose to do it in virtual environment)
  • Open a new terminal window and execute cd line_racer/racer_process. Then run the command celery -A racer_process worker -l info
  • Open a new terminal window and execute cd line_racer/racer_process. Then run the command python runserver 8001
  • Open a new terminal window and execute cd line_racer/racer_process. Then run the command python runserver 8002

Start Flow

  • Open a new terminal window and execute cd line_racer/master_process. Then run the command python runserver


  • Assumed m and c values for every lap message to be a random integer between 1 and 50.
  • Made sure on code level that m1 is never equal to m2 so that there is always am intersection point between the lines.